Okatibbee Classic 2023

Collinsville, MS

Athlete Entries

Middle School Boys 2 Mile 35 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Rivera, Luis Newton High School
Alderson , Axton Southeast Lauderdale High School
Butler, Judson Clarkdale High School
griffin, brysoen Northeast Lauderdale High School
Vick, Declan Southeast Lauderdale High School
Nicklas, Bearon Clarkdale High School
Farrar, Hunter Enterprise HS Clarke
brassfield, kenyon Northeast Lauderdale High School
Watts, Jarvis Southeast Lauderdale High School
Jenkins, Tyler Newton High School
Hoffer, Wyatt Southeast Lauderdale High School
Armstrong, Foster Clarkdale High School
Fitzgerald, Cayden Enterprise HS Clarke
moore, frederick Northeast Lauderdale High School
Conerly , Aiden Southeast Lauderdale High School
McCune, Damari Newton High School
Houseton, Cayden Enterprise HS Clarke
Ivey, Asher Clarkdale High School
price, jonah Northeast Lauderdale High School
Harbin, Jaden Southeast Lauderdale High School
houston, mickez Northeast Lauderdale High School
Purvis, John Southeast Lauderdale High School
Moffett, Tripp Clarkdale High School
Goodman, Slayde Enterprise HS Clarke
wilcox, cayden Northeast Lauderdale High School
Reed, Kaleb Southeast Lauderdale High School
Adkins, Hayden Newton High School
Smith, Colby Enterprise HS Clarke
Ellis, Hadley Clarkdale High School
hunter, jerion Northeast Lauderdale High School
Shelton, Gage Southeast Lauderdale High School
Pigott, James Clarkdale High School
Robinson, Laken Enterprise HS Clarke
moore, alvin Northeast Lauderdale High School
Wells, Keaton Southeast Lauderdale High School
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Middle School Girls 2 Mile 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Griffin, Rageuna Newton High School
Ethridge, Jaci Enterprise HS Clarke
Jenkins, Jasmine Newton High School
Gallaspy, Keara Newton High School
WALLACE, KAMRYN Northeast Lauderdale High School
Gallaspy, Kelsee Newton High School
Rockette, Hallie Clarkdale High School
RUTTLEY, TRAVISIYAH Northeast Lauderdale High School
Gallaspy, keuna Newton High School
Woodall, Jessamyn Enterprise HS Clarke
Dukes, Alyese Newton High School
grace, mackenzie Northeast Lauderdale High School
Buckley, Jazmin Newton High School
Feeley, Madison Enterprise HS Clarke
Brown, Kiera Newton High School
eutsey, kassidy Northeast Lauderdale High School
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Varsity Boys 5K 90 entries

Athlete Seed Team
ray, danny Kemper County High School
Laney, John Demopolis
Perez, Kevin Leake Central High School
Hickman, Grant Enterprise HS Clarke
Bryan, Austin Leake Central High School
champman, qumy Northeast Lauderdale High School
Adams, Qis Nijuan Kemper County High School
Madison, Derodrick Kemper County High School
Carr, Neal Southeast Lauderdale High School
Creel, Ayden Enterprise HS Clarke
Felix, Randy Leake Central High School
matthews, demetrivus Northeast Lauderdale High School
triplett, latrel Kemper County High School
Lang, William Meridian High School
Salvador, Michael Leake Central High School
Hodges, Boston Meridian High School
Garrett, Tyson Enterprise HS Clarke
Feliciano, Robin Leake Central High School
Alex, Aiden Neshoba Central High School
Stringfellow, Henry Kemper County High School
Darden, Shalare Kemper County High School
Aguilon, John Leake Central High School
Rue, Ashley Northeast Lauderdale High School
Cook, Peyton Enterprise HS Clarke
Meza, Medwin Leake Central High School
Smith, Charlie Neshoba Central High School
moore, jaquarious Kemper County High School
Lopez, Bryan Leake Central High School
Penn, Corban Enterprise HS Clarke
Lopez, Beckham Leake Central High School
Stephens, Quinton Neshoba Central High School
cherry, kayvion Kemper County High School
Cardona, Rokque Leake Central High School
moore, alvin Northeast Lauderdale High School
Bohanna, Logan Enterprise HS Clarke
Lopez-Salvador, Andy Leake Central High School
Fraizer, Sonny Kemper County High School
Reed, Aj Kemper County High School
Billings, Rily Enterprise HS Clarke
Menjivar, Alexander Leake Central High School
Robertson, Conner Neshoba Central High School
Hallford, Evan 17:05.94 Neshoba Central High School
Lessmann, Richard 17:16.67 Demopolis
Willis, Emjae 18:28.68 Neshoba Central High School
Dan, Quinton 18:37.06 Neshoba Central High School
Mosley, Jordan 18:45.12 Meridian High School
Salvador, Henry 18:57.53 Leake Central High School
McMillian, Kameron 19:01.90 Neshoba Central High School
Moore, JonPaul 19:20.77 Neshoba Central High School
DUNN, AUSTON 19:22.56 Northeast Lauderdale High School
Thomas, Isaiah 19:51.21 Neshoba Central High School
Ben, Noah 20:11.22 Neshoba Central High School
Cole, Trae 20:16.51 Demopolis
Hodges, William 20:20.85 Meridian High School
Alford, JaZalon 20:37.70 Meridian High School
Stribling, Shot 20:50.17 Neshoba Central High School
Perez, Jaydon 21:00.90 Neshoba Central High School
Smith, Davion 21:08.12 Meridian High School
Goodwin, Mason 21:26.07 Demopolis
Johnson, Demetrius 21:32.30 Newton High School
Keller, Chase 21:39.01 Southeast Lauderdale High School
Copeland, Prentice 21:39.57 Neshoba Central High School
Martin, JD 21:54.99 Demopolis
Hughes, William 22:01.06 Meridian High School
Lewis, Christopher 22:01.44 Neshoba Central High School
Bucural, Tyson 22:14.30 Demopolis
Nowell, Zayden 22:17.06 Neshoba Central High School
Dominguez, Felix 22:23.27 Demopolis
Tucker, Kaleb 22:35.23 Enterprise HS Clarke
Lopez, Ziden 22:43.97 Leake Central High School
Breaux, Brayden 22:44.05 Enterprise HS Clarke
Booker, Andreus 22:48.35 Demopolis
McMillan, Bj 23:00.78 Neshoba Central High School
Hutton, Chandler 23:06.58 Demopolis
Bryant, Landon 23:08.79 Enterprise HS Clarke
Moore, Terrance 23:21.85 Meridian High School
Wheat, Mason 23:31.48 Southeast Lauderdale High School
Maxwell, Colton 24:05.34 Southeast Lauderdale High School
Campbell, Marquis 24:08.79 Leake Central High School
Chambers, Nathan 24:30.43 Demopolis
Smelley, Levi 24:48.41 Demopolis
Eason , Colton 25:00.73 Southeast Lauderdale High School
Daniels, Michael 25:04.12 Demopolis
Renolds, Ryan 25:05.86 Demopolis
Rush, Victor 25:14.57 Newton High School
Pickens, Christopher 25:45.11 Meridian High School
Thompson, Cameon 25:56.11 Northeast Lauderdale High School
Naylor, Bobby 26:28.19 Meridian High School
Chavan, Yash 27:39.86 Demopolis
Bakhder, Nawaf 29:20.67 Demopolis
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Varsity Girls 5K 50 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sullivan, Peyton Enterprise HS Clarke
Shelby, Cameron Clarkdale High School
Moore, Saniah Newton High School
Dan, Eriane Neshoba Central High School
McMahan, Alyssa Enterprise HS Clarke
Gallaspy, Keara Newton High School
Graves, Caitlyn Enterprise HS Clarke
Blackwell, Elizabeth Enterprise HS Clarke
Comby, Kayla Leake Central High School
Berduo, Sindy Leake Central High School
Newton, Arianna Enterprise HS Clarke
Clemons, Jahmique Kemper County High School
Davis, Maddie Enterprise HS Clarke
Keyes, Tiffany Clarkdale High School
Key, Chloe Demopolis
Beard, McKenlie Enterprise HS Clarke
Truss, Kylie 21:20.80 Neshoba Central High School
Hurst, Hattie 21:53.48 Demopolis
Williams, Katelin 22:36.90 Neshoba Central High School
Smith, Sarah Beth 22:47.96 Demopolis
Dearman, Addison 23:02.12 Enterprise HS Clarke
Williams, Yazi 23:21.00 Neshoba Central High School
Walker, Ayana 23:47.15 Meridian High School
Willis, Kailyn 24:12.90 Neshoba Central High School
Brown, Brianna 24:16.54 Meridian High School
Dominguez, Ana 24:46.67 Demopolis
Dixon, Ruth 24:54.40 Neshoba Central High School
Burkes, Tyneice 25:07.25 Meridian High School
Wright, Sarah Waid 25:32.49 Demopolis
Ramirez, Carmen 26:12.51 Meridian High School
Hester, Keagan 26:17.41 Enterprise HS Clarke
Goodman, Cadon 26:57.40 Enterprise HS Clarke
Berry, Akyrin 27:17.27 Newton High School
Smith, Clarissa 27:22.56 Demopolis
Calloway, Tassianna 27:28.40 Leake Central High School
Arrington, Kyndal 27:30.30 Meridian High School
Mingo, Taelyn 27:41.37 Neshoba Central High School
Hernadez, Lauren 27:42.50 Meridian High School
Walker, Jeniah 28:25.72 Newton High School
Salvador, Emma 28:41.19 Leake Central High School
Charlie, Madison 29:39.08 Neshoba Central High School
Bell, Amerie 29:39.59 Neshoba Central High School
Goodman, Olivea 29:56.30 Enterprise HS Clarke
Rogers, Lacey 30:56.03 Neshoba Central High School
Card, Charlie Grace 31:05.42 Demopolis
Boyd, Destiny 31:51.15 Kemper County High School
Harris, Sasha 32:14.60 Newton High School
Bourrage, Jashunti 32:52.51 Kemper County High School
Kelly, Emory 33:37.31 Demopolis
Warren, Camdyn 35:21.40 Meridian High School
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